Tube Ligation and Infertility

Lisa Kahon was bone in Boston and was one of the five children in a big family. Her parent has been very hard workers teaching the elementary school in West Wood. She did not like to study hard when she was a teenager and found a cashier job in a whole food of Wellesley when she was only 16 years old. After she worked in Wellesley for a year, she fell in love with a co-worker who lives in Dover close to whole food. With high hormones in their young body, they became so close and Lisa got pregnant with her first child when she was 18 years old. Her parents were shocked, but have no choice, they are Catholic and she could not have abortion. Fortunately, the young boy from Dover is willing to marry Lisa and set up a family with their minimal wage and family’s support.

They rent an apartment in Needham where the school system is good; the young couple had been working so hard to raise the child. Lisa’s husband later got into a plumber school and started a small business in Dedham. Because the houses in greater Boston area are very old and there are not a sufficient number of a plumber in Boston area, Tom has developed very good business in Needham, Dedham, Dover, Milton, Newton, Sudbury, Wayland, Westwood, Wellesley, Weston, Arlington, Sherborn, Concord, Lexington.

Also Read: How Acupuncture helps in Infertility

He had made more than $150.000 a year easily for a few years. In the meantime, Lisa has another three children, thinking more children can help her husband’s business. When Lisa turns to 25 years old, she suddenly realized that she needs to go back to college in Boston area because her other siblings graduated from college and found a nice job in Boston. She talked to her parents about going back to college so she can have the knowledge to communicate with her grown children and find a decent job after her kids go to school. Her parents strongly support her idea, but her husband did not agree with that. He had been busy with his growing business in the reach suburban area such as Wellesley, Dover, Sudbury, Arlington, and Lexington. He wanted to finish work and go home to watch TV expecting Lisa to get the dinner ready and put the kids into beds. But Lisa started going to community college in Newton and trying to get into a 4-year college with the help of her parents and siblings.

Tom was not very happy because he had to take care of his 4 children after his plumbing work when his wife went to the night class. He started drinking alcohol after work thinking he would feel happy and relaxed with this drinking. Initially, Tom only drinks one or two glasses of beer, and then he started talking to his four children after dinner. The drinking becomes more and more when his business started going downhill. The tension between Lisa and Tom become more and more intense in a little house in Needham. The loud argument woke up the neighbor and scared the children. Then Tom became violent and started beating Lisa and their children. The bed situation lasted for two years, when the youngest child turns into two years old and the oldest reached 10 years old, Lisa finally moved out of the house with her four children and stayed with his parents in Boston for a few years.

Lisa’s parents help her to take care of her four children while she went to community college in Wellesley. While she was studying hard in the college, she met a very responsible young man at age of 30. They studied together and the young man even helps her to watch the youngest child sometimes. The four-year college was very hard for Lisa. She had to work during the daytime and study at night. She also needs to raise her children with her parents and her boyfriend. After 5 years of hard work, Lisa graduated from college with good grade and found a teaching job in a high school in West Wood. Because she is teaching in west wood high school, her four children can go to the school in West Wood even though she has a small apartment in Dedham. Now she has a higher salary and good benefit, but razing four children by herself is not an easy job. Her parents encourage her to start dating again. Luckily close friend John in the college started teaching in the same school after he got his master degree in Tufts University in Boston.

Lisa and John shared the same passion for educating young children. John helps Lisa pick up her kids when she has to stay in the school to organize a meeting. John loves to interact with her children and one day this young man asked Lisa to marry him. Lisa started crying because she never wants to get married again after the first miserable marriage. She even had surgery to cut and tie up her tubes after the fourth child was born. She is determined to give the children the best education and send them to college in the future. How could she refuse to marry this nice young man who is willing to help her with four children and her career? Lisa and John got married and went to their honeymoon in Boca Raton Beach because they do not have too much money and time to travel abroad. John loves her four children, but his family would like to have at least one child-related with their family blood. Lisa loves her new husband so much that she is willing to do everything to make his family happy.

At the age of 37 years old, Lisa came to Boston Acupuncture Clinic, hoping she can get pregnant with Chinese herbs and acupuncture. Since her tube was tied, the only choice was to do IVF. She tried 2 IVF and no good luck. She miscarried twice. Her acupuncturist in Needham told her she may have insufficient progesterone, her hormones are out of balance after all the stress she went through during her devoice. Since Lisa got pregnant so easily, her acupuncturist recommends her reconnect the Tubes because her insurance from the west wood high school only covered two IVFs. Lisa is so determined to get another child for her lovely husband that she started acupuncture treatment and herbs right after she talked to her Chinese acupuncturist. With limited income and four grown children, the Boston Acupuncturist recommended her to take herbs and have acupuncture treatment only twice a month to help implantation. Lisa got pregnant very easily after two months of acupuncture and herbal treatment, but the pregnancy was ectopic due to the scar tissue she had in her fallopian tubes. Lisa was very sad because she had to use medication to stop the fetus growing and induce the fetus. She did not give up and her acupuncturist was really impressed by her strong will to get pregnant again. Her acupuncturist told her if she really wants to try hard, she can use the herbal enema to help open the tubes and reduce the scar tissue. Lisa was excited to try the new method. She cooked herbs and bought the enema kits from CVS. She started with 100cc herbal decoction and the solution stays in her intestine overnight. After a few times, she increased her herbal enema volume to 200cc. At the meantime, she continues with the oral herbs and infertility acupuncture protocol for two months. When she turns 38 years old, she became pregnant with the sperm of her lovely husband. The pregnancy was very smooth because of the herbal and acupuncture treatment. Now she has five children and is extremely busy with her work and taking care of the baby. The sudden hormone drops make her very anxious about her children and work, her Boston Acupuncturist recommend her start take herbs again, she is so sensitive that as soon as she started herbs, nothing bothers her. She is still very fit after having 5 children at the age of 39.