Respiratory System


  1. Acupuncture can strengthen immune function so that your body can resolve infections faster.
  2. Acupuncture can strengthen your digestive function to clear up phlegm so that you can prevent chronic infection.

Coughing (chronic)
Coughing is a common residual problem after having pneumonia, a cold, or the flu. Generally, smokers suffer from coughing much more frequently than non-smokers do.  After taking antibiotics, phlegm will tend to build up in your lungs. The phlegm needs to be cleared up, as chronic coughing and thick phlegm can lead to bronchiectasis (permanent enlargement of parts of the airways of the lung), which damages your lung function. Receiving acupuncture helps relieve the spasm of your bronchioles, and Chinese herbs such as Zi Wan (purple aster root) has an expectorant effect to clear up the phlegm. Furthermore, Zi Wan and Bai Bu (stemona root) have inhibitory effects on bacillus coli, shigella dysenteriae and many other bacterium and flu viruses. If you start to develop a cough, starting acupuncture and herbs will prevent further infection or chronic inflammation, which can lead to COPD.


Sinus Infection
Lingering cold and flu symptoms can lead to a sinus infection. Chronic sinus infections can cause nasal polyps  to grow repetitively. Surgery can be used to remove the polyps, but if you cannot avoid the factors leading to sinus infection, the polyps will grow back after surgery. If you do have a sinus infection, avoid nuts, high salt and high sugar and spicy food, so your immune function can clear up the infection as soon as possible. Acupuncture can quickly reduce the nasal inflammation and prevent the polyps from growing.
