Why Surgery is not the First Choice for Neck and Back Pain
Li Zheng, a Chinese Acupuncturist just published a news release on www.prlog.org about a new interview with a famous Chinese Doctor in Sport Medicine, Dr. Yao, Zujin. This interview explains why surgery is not the first choice for neck and back pain. How acupuncture, Tuna, and short time IV can help patient relive the acute neck and back pain by reducing the swelling of the nerves and inflammation in the joints. Dr. Yao uses his 30 years of clinical experiences to give the evidence that patients can save money and future chronic neck and back pain by using cheaper method, acupuncture, and Tuina to restore their function within a few weeks.

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Why Surgery is not the First Choice for Neck and Back Pain
Dr. Li Zheng has been using acupuncture to treat neck and back pain in America for over 17 years. This interview explains why surgery is not the first choice for neck and back pain.
Boston Chinese Acupuncture
Dr. Li Zheng
Boston Chinese Acupuncture
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