How can Acupuncture Help Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a common and often frustrating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the tear glands do not produce enough tears or the quality of tears is insufficient to lubricate the eyes properly. Traditional treatments include eye drops, medications, and lifestyle changes, but many people are now exploring alternative therapies like acupuncture to address the root causes of dry eye. One intriguing aspect of acupuncture’s potential benefits is its ability to improve eye circulation. This article will explore how better blood flow to the eyes through acupuncture can help manage dry eye symptoms.

Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome happens when the eyes can’t maintain a healthy tear film, leading to discomfort, irritation, infection, eye pain, and blurry vision. Some common causes include:

  • Aging
  • Environmental factors like wind or dry climates
  • Prolonged screen time
  • Contact lens wear
  • Certain medications
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or Sjögren’s syndrome

Symptoms of dry eye can range from mild to severe and include:

  • Burning or stinging
  • Redness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • A feeling of grittiness or something in the eye
  • Eye pain
  • Eye infection

How Circulation Affects Eye Health

Good blood circulation is essential for eye health, as it ensures that the eyes receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to function correctly. Poor circulation can exacerbate dry eye symptoms by reducing the oxygen supply to the tissues around the eye, including the tear-producing glands. When circulation is impaired, it can lead to inflammation, decreased tear production, and slower healing of eye tissues.

Improving circulation in and around the eyes can help boost tear production, enhance tissue repair, and alleviate some of the discomfort associated with dry eye.

Are you thinking about acupuncture treatment for Dry Eye? Book an appointment online now.

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    The Role of Acupuncture in Eye Circulation

    Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese therapy, has been used for centuries to promote overall wellness, including improving circulation. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points in the body, known as acupoints, to restore the flow of energy or “Qi.” When Qi flows smoothly, it promotes better blood flow, reduces inflammation, and encourages the body’s natural healing processes.

    For dry eye sufferers, acupuncture can enhance circulation in the area around the eyes, which may result in improved tear production, reduced dryness and inflammation. Specific acupoints are used to target eye health and promote circulation, offering a natural and holistic approach to managing dry eye symptoms.

    How Acupuncture Improves Eye Circulation

    Here are several ways in which acupuncture may help improve circulation in the eyes and alleviate dry eye symptoms:

    Stimulating Tear Production

    By improving the flow of blood to the tear glands, acupuncture may increase tear production, helping to keep the eyes moist and well-lubricated.

    Reducing Inflammation

    Poor circulation can lead to inflammation, which worsens dry eye symptoms. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce inflammation by encouraging the release of anti-inflammatory substances in the body, allowing for better tear quality and eye comfort.

    Improving Microcirculation Around the Eyes

    Acupuncture can promote better blood flow in the small blood vessels around the eyes, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the eye tissues. This helps improve overall eye function and tear production.

    Balancing Hormones

    Hormonal imbalances, especially during menopause, can contribute to dry eye syndrome. Acupuncture can help regulate hormone levels, which may improve tear secretion and reduce dryness.

    Reducing Eye Strain

    Prolonged screen time and eye strain can restrict blood flow to the eyes, aggravating dry eye symptoms. Acupuncture relieves tension in the muscles around the eyes, improving circulation and reducing strain-related dryness.

    Clinical Studies on Acupuncture and Eye Health

    Several studies have explored the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating dry eye and improving eye health. A study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that patients who received acupuncture experienced significant improvement in dry eye symptoms compared to those who only used artificial tears.

    Another study in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine showed that acupuncture improved tear film stability and increased tear production in patients with dry eye syndrome. Researchers believe this is due to acupuncture’s ability to enhance circulation and reduce inflammation in the tear glands.

    These studies support the idea that acupuncture can be a valuable complementary therapy for managing dry eye syndrome, particularly when conventional treatments do not provide complete relief.


    1. Can acupuncture replace eye drops for dry eye?

    Acupuncture should be used as a complementary treatment, not a replacement for prescribed medications or eye drops. It can enhance the effectiveness of traditional treatments and provide additional relief with lower dosage of eye drops and medications. .

    1. How soon will I see results from acupuncture for dry eye?

    Results vary, but some patients notice improvements in eye moisture and comfort after a few sessions. Regular treatments may be needed for long-term relief. If patients can combine herbs, acupuncture and acupressure, they will have faster and better results.

    1. Are there any side effects of acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is generally safe when performed by a licensed acupuncturist with over 30 years of experiences. Some patients may experience mild bruising at needle insertion points, but serious side effects are rare.


    Acupuncture offers a promising and natural approach to improving eye circulation and managing dry eye symptoms. By promoting better blood flow, reducing inflammation, and stimulating tear production, acupuncture can help restore balance and comfort to those suffering from dry eye syndrome. If you’re looking for an alternative or complementary treatment for dry eye, acupuncture may provide the relief you need. Always consult with your healthcare provider and seek treatment from a qualified acupuncturist for the best results.