Lyme disease is categorized into three stages: acute, early disseminated and late disseminated. Each individual affected by Lyme disease responds differently. Here are the common symptoms of Lyme disease.
Rashes and Fatigue
The Lyme tick bite leaves a rash that has a central spot which is surrounded by a wide red circle—similar to a bullseye. Although the rash itself does not tend to be itchy, it is a sign that the infection is spreading rapidly into the skin tissues. Sometimes, the rash can look like a red blotch or a blister. Early symptoms of Lyme disease include joint pain, fatigue, and other flu-like symptoms. In severe cases of Lyme, the fatigue can be disabling. Acupuncture for Lyme disease has shown remarkable success in reducing the symptoms of the disease.
Achy and Swollen Joints, Headaches and Dizzy Spells
The joints of a person infected with Lyme disease may become swollen, painful, or inflamed, and they may have a limited range of motion. Moreover, the pain keeps moving from area to area, and it usually affects the larger joints. This pain is intermittent and ranges from mild to severe. Flu-like symptoms appear within a week of getting infected, almost mimicking viral flu accompanied by severe headaches.
Watch this video to learn how we can prevent Lyme diseases and how acupuncture can help people to repair the immune, digestive, nervous, and joint tissues.
Sleep and Brain Function
The joint pains may prevent an infected person from getting a good night’s sleep, and body temperature fluctuations may also contribute to insomnia. Individuals may experience difficulty in concentrating, remembering and processing information. They may forget routes to familiar places or may forget the reason why they are in a particular place. In children, there tends to be a noticeable decline in school performance, they may have erratic mood swings, and the child’s motor coordination may be affected. Usually, their social and speaking skills regress to a noticeable lower level. Acupuncture for Lyme disease in Boston can help to improve cognitive and memory function successfully if people can have early and regular treatments.
Changes in Vision and Neurological Function
Sudden light sensitivity—even to indoor lighting—is a symptom of Lyme disease. Moreover, some people experience blurry vision and a loss of coordination. Depending on which nerves Lyme bacteria infect, weak muscles, memory loss, depression, and facial paralysis are the most common symptoms related to the nervous system. Infected cranial nerves could also lead to the loss of the senses of smell and taste. If the bacteria affect the brain and spinal cord, it could lead to headaches, stiffness, depression, and even encephalopathy.
Skin and Heart Problems
Skin outbreaks, unexplained rashes, patches of discolored skin, and psoriasis can all be symptoms of Lyme disease. The bacteria can also affect the heart tissue, which can be mild or severe. Lyme Carditis can cause shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pains, and dizziness. The infection can cause heart blocks by stopping the electrical signals between the heart chambers. While medication is usually used, Lyme Disease Acupuncture in Boston combines acupuncture and Chinese herbs to strengthen patients’ immune function and digestive system, so the body can kill bacteria and repair damaged tissues faster and more efficiently.
In Greater Boston areas, Lyme Disease becomes more and more common because of global warming and longer tick seasons. Antibiotics can damage the gut lining and lead to leaky gut, which can cause depression, memory loss, arthritis, insomnia, and other debilitating health issues. Combining short term of antibiotics, Chinese herbs, and acupuncture in Boston area, we can achieve the best result for treating Lyme disease.
Studies estimate that nearly 1 million people are affected by Lyme Disease annually, and most are treated almost immediately with a three-week course of antibiotics. According to acupuncturist Brehan Crawford, Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine have proven to be effective in dissolving biofilms of the Lyme-causing bacteria called Borrelia, making these bacteria more susceptible to the body’s immune system. Mr. Crawford also contends that Chinese herbs have a neuroprotective effect and may also reduce bacterial resistance to antibiotics according to his years of clinical experience to treat Lyme disease.