After the fertilized eggs are transferred to the uterus, within 4 to 8 days, the implantation will occur. Before the implantation happens, the fertilized egg will move around the uterus. Scientists have been trying to invent a kind of glue to fix the embryo in the uterus so it will not move, but this idea has not been successful. If a woman does not create a healthy and hospitable uterine environment or if she has a lot of adhesions due to the pelvic infection, fallopian tube blockage, or tubal ligation, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy can happen. Especially during IVF procedures, the ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage rate can increase dramatically. Research, led by Dr. Wolfgang in Germany, revealed that young women typically have a 20 to 30% chance of conceiving during IVF, but the pregnancy rate falls to less than 10% for 39-year-old women and then to only 3% for women at age 44. But acupuncture can double the success rate by relaxing the uterus, improve the ovarian function and balancing the hormones, so the embryo can implant in a very hospitable environment. Other research done by a physician in Minnesota indicates that acupuncture can reduce the miscarriage rate and increase the rate of successful pregnancies during the IVF cycle.
Here are important tips to prevent miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy:
1. Avoid alcohol and spicy foods to reduce internal heat which causes inflammation in the endometrium of the uterus. A Korean young lady who loved spicy food was a few weeks pregnant and started spotting. Nobody told her she should cut down on spicy food, so she continued with her food regimen. The spotting became worse and worse. When her OB/GYN did an endometrium biopsy to figure out what was causing the bleeding, and he could not find a reason. Unfortunately, she miscarried at 12 weeks. Another Chinese woman told me that if she ate spicy food, she had more cramps during her period, indicating that the spicy food led to uterine contractions. Why people in generations past ate a lot of spicy food but could still carry a baby full-term. First, older generations did not have as much internal heat from stress, alcohol, too much meat and other high-calorie foods, so they needed a little bit of spicy food to help the body produce more heat. Second, older generations usually had many pregnancies, and miscarriage was very common if they were pregnant more than four or five times. Now, people aim for healthy pregnancies for every attempt at conception.
2. Avoid cats. If you do have a cat in the house, maybe put the cat in a restricted area. Cats carry a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis; this may cause miscarriage or abnormal development of the fetus. Years ago, doctors advised pregnant women to avoid changing the cat litter so she could be safe during the pregnancy. This is not true. A microbiologist told me that cat faeces can carry the parasite even when the faeces are dry. If the cat sits everywhere, the parasites can be transmitted to the area when the cats move around the house. For the past 26 years, whenever a woman came to me with a history of more than two miscarriages, my first question was always, do you have a cat? Over 90% of women answered yes. One woman miscarried three times, and she had three cats roaming around the house. The fourth time she was pregnant, she did not tell anybody until she reached 16 weeks, during which the ultrasound indicated that the baby looked pretty healthy. She was thrilled to tell all the relatives and co-workers that she was pregnant. Unfortunately, the ultrasound showed the brain, limbs and spine were all deformed by the 20th week. Very few women love cats so much that they keep trying even with the cat walking around the house; eventually, they may have a full-term pregnancy. The problem is miscarriage is very harmful to your reproductive system and mental health. Many women develop severe depression afterwards. Furthermore, there is a higher possibility that the baby can have some genetic problem.
3. If you already have had more than one miscarriage, you should start acupuncture treatment once or twice a week for the first 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Acupuncture can relax the uterus and improve the ovarian function, so the balanced hormones will help you prevent the miscarriage.
4. Take this porridge to prevent the miscarriage: brown rice one cup, Yi Yi Ren one cup, Shan Yao30g, add 500ml water, cook for half an hour.
5. Press the following points to prevent the miscarriage: CV6 (on the midline of the lower abdomen, 1.5 cun below the belly button), Kid16 (0 .5 cun lateral to the centre of the belly button), Kid3 (in the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and Achilles), PC6 (2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis).
6. Practising meditation to reduce your stress and improve your progesterone level.
7. Avoid hot tub help the healthy implantation.
8. Taking herbal tea from you herbal tea to balance your hormones, the herbs for preventing miscarriage are very safe if you can find the specialist in treating infertility
9. Cooking this formula to clear the internal heat, strengthen your spleen function and make the fetus stay healthy in the uterus: Huang Qin6g, Sheng Bai Zhu10g, Fu Ling 12g, Shan Yao30g, He Shou Wu12g.
10. Avoid Swimming during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because it can cause the uterus contraction.